Single-Handed Care

What is Single-Handed Care?

We are an ageing society, with the number of people likely to need social care set to increase significantly in the years to come. But with local authorities experiencing budget and staff cuts, difficult decisions are being made on the viability of established methods of delivering care.

As part of an effort to improve efficiencies, a number of authorities are adopting the Single-Handed Care model, in which clients can receive the same or improved standards of care – including moving, handling and bathing – from just one person, without sacrificing safety for either party.

A number of care reviews have found that around 40% of people receiving care from two or more carers are suitable for Single-Handed Care practices.

What are the benefits of Single-Handed Care?

Single-Handed Care provides a significant cost saving for local authorities and providers, allowing the same number of carers to provide care for a greater number of clients.

There are a number of benefits for the client, too. Care reviews have found that many service users felt that their privacy was being compromised by having two carers, who may not be the same every day. Single-Handed Care allows increased privacy and dignity for clients, as well as increased independence and flexibility. This also provides obvious benefits for private customers providing care for a loved one at home.

How can Prism help enable Single-Handed Care?

At Prism Medical UK, we provide a full range of products that can enable Single-Handed Care, allowing one person to provide an excellent standard of care thanks to cost-effective equipment and technology.

We also have a great deal of experience in assisting authorities to deliver Single-Handed Care, from conception and planning to installation and maintenance.
Cost benefits

Working in partnership with the University of Salford, we have developed a tool that can demonstrate the cost benefits of investing in Single-Handed Care.

The tool assesses the number of service users and daily visits, and calculates daily, weekly and yearly savings made by moving from two carers to one. The cost of new equipment can also be incorporated. To arrange a demonstration of our cost-benefit tool, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We have a team of experienced assessors who can help you to identify the most appropriate moving, handling and bathing equipment required to provide Single-Handed Care for clients of all needs.

We offer the largest portfolio of quality moving, handling and bathing products for Single-Handed Care at cost-effective, competitive prices. Our range includes hoists, stand aids, bed management systems, assisted baths and much more.

Our large team of engineers, operating from our regional service centres across the UK, can normally install products within seven days of receipt of an order. All of our installations are carried out in accordance with current regulations, and our teams include qualified electrical engineers.

At every stage before and after the supply of products, our assessors, business managers and customer service teams provide friendly, efficient support. We also offer a number of service and repair packages to ensure all equipment continues to meet regulations and remain in top working condition.

We provide practical, hands-on Single-Handed Care training for both carers and service users, in partnership with HME Training. Click here to learn more about HME's Single-Handed Care Training.

We also offer free product awareness days at many of our regional service centres across the UK. Please contact us if you are interested in attending.
More Information

To find out more about Single-Handed Care, you can download our Single-Handed Care brochure, or read our report on manual handling and Single-Handed Care, Does It Take Two?

If you have any questions about Single-Handed Care and how we can help, please don't hesitate to contact us.